Monday, June 2, 2008

Where the freak have i been?

i've been writing a lot of things here that i haven't published. It was strange at first, to first know that what i was going to write wasn't going to be seen by anyone, and then to simply stare at those thoughts finally written down. Sometimes i didn't even look at the screen, i just stared at my fingers as they hit the keys louder and louder. i'm not done...but it feels good to know that i have an outlet for things that maybe i'm afraid to say otherwise.

Otherwise, i've been well. Took a week-long trip to San Francisco with my mom and sister, got thoroughly sick both before and during, and came home not much more rested than when i left. BUT, it was a great trip.

i have really been feeling the stress much so that even Darrin noticed. When i called him as i was leaving work, he proclaimed that we were going out to eat and we were going to eat until we simply couldn't anymore. Um, okay. =) So the frog laid into some potato skins, a salad and a huge-astic portion of seafood alfredo. Aaaaaaaand we stopped at Dairy Queen on the way back into town.

i totally take full responsibility for any weight gain, and tell it to shove it up it's own fat ass.


CZ said...

*giggle* Good for you!! Hope that's not being an enabler, I just so relate. Personally? I'm having pizza tonight, and be damned with the diet.. until tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

*kicks this silly thing* Blech.

*grins* I'm glad you decided to kick it's own fat ass, cause seriously, sometimes you just NEED to pig out! It's not like you do it every day!! *squish* Yer fine. :-)

Tigress said...

*smiles* I'm just glad to see you writing again, hon.

Stress is bad, relaxing and putting your worries down one night to just enjoy yourself is a very good thing. *hugs*