Sooooooooo i went to the walk in clinic that the local hospital has yesterday, and got all sorts of medication. More specifically, i got predizone (sp?) to counter-act the allergic-reationness that's all up in my bloodstream. i'm sooooooooo relieved that it's working, i could tell a difference by dinnertime last night, and today it's so way better. Even the itching is better. i am supposed to take one predizone in the morning, and also one Zantac in the morning, then another Zantac at night along with 50 mgs of Benedryl - i tried that last night, and omg, i was on speed. Whooooooooshit. So far tonight i've only taken the Zantac, and we'll see how it goes, i have some Benedryl creme that i can use if i get itchy.
i think i'm going to join Curves. i have a handle on my eating (mostly), and i think that if i need to adjust that i can do that myself. my big issue is in, my motivation is non-existant. i figure that i will have a few things going for me at Curves - i'll be paying for it, so i won't waste my damn money and NOT go, the workout is balanced and guided out, and it's close to where i park for work. There is a Curves here in town, but by the time i get in town, i want to be home, so i figure it's best to do it in the town i work in. That means i can get at least 4 days of working out in, and the other days i can walk or do the bike or something.
Need to do more, need to fight harder.
Little Big Update
7 years ago