Tuesday, February 26, 2008

All You Need To Know About Me

Birthday:December 22
Zodiac Sign:Capricorn
Current location:my chair
Eye Color:green/grey
Hair Color and Length:light brown / long
Shoes You Wore Today:i didn\'t wear shoes today. But normally? Steel-toed boots. *flex*
Your Fear:abandonment
First Thought When You Wake Up:i love my bed
Best Physical Feature:uh. i guess people like my butt.
Who Is Your Bestest Friend:Darrin
When Is Your Bedtime:Usually between 9 and 10.
Pepsi or Coke:Diet Pepsi. With Lime.
McDonalds or Burger King:McDonalds
Single or Group Dates:omg, i haven\'t been on a date in forever. Single, i guess.
What Is The Last Song You Sang:i have no idea - something on the radio, i guess.
Do You Drink:Why, yes i do.
Ever Been Drunk:Why, yes i have.
Do You Smoke:When i drink.
What Color Underwear Do You Have On:frog = underwearless
Have You Ever Been In Love:Yes. =)
Do You Want To Get Married:Yes. =(
Do You Like Thunderstorms:Yes. =)
How Many CD’s Do you Own:Not enough.
How Many DvD’s Do You Own:Too many.
How Many Tattoo’s Do You Have:None.
How Many Piercings Do You Have: 5
Favorite Shoes:i love me some flats.
Favorite Radio Station:? i have many.
Favorite Drink:Diet Pepsi with Lime. WITH. LIME.
Favorite Car:The Fit is go!
Favorite Song:Silent Lucidity
Favorite Movie:*oy* Depends on my mood.
Favorite Color:Green
Favorite Meal:Depends on my mood. Usually, ice cream. Yes, i know it says meal.
In a Guy/Girl or Man/Woman I Like…
Favorite Eye Color:i\'m safe saying blue, because they both have blue eyes. Yay for sameness!
Favorite Hair Color:Brown. Yay for sameness!
Short Hair or Long Hair:uh. Crap. i like hair, there. *nod*
Height:Dammit. Guys = taller, girls = shorter
Body Type:Normal
Tattoos:yes. Yay for sameness!
Piercings:yes! Yay for sameness!
Right Now
Right Now, What Is Todays Date:*had to look* February 26
Right Now, What Time Is It:7:54pm
Right Now, Who Are You Thinking Of:my cat, who is doing something stupid.
Right Now, What Are You Listening To: American Idol.
Right Now, Do You Love Some One:Yes
Right Now, Does Someone Love You:Gee, i hope so.
Right Now, Is It Raining:*looks* no.
Right Now, Are You Happy:No. i\'m sick.
Tell us YOUR answers to this survey! Click HERE!
Created by shadow_in_the_dark, taken 210 times.
Created at Kwiz.biz - Kwizzes, Polls and Surveys!

i was visiting a blog of someone i regularly read, and she talked about a rather intense situation that included her being put at her Owner's feet in public.

It made me think...actually, this particular blog makes me think a lot...and i wondered at the stab of sad envy i felt when reading that. i know the envy part - obviously i want someone to want me at their feet. But the sad part? i'm not sure if that's because that's not the path my submission is taking, or...if it's because i've somehow settled out of fear of facing failure once more.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Where to begin, where to begin....

This week has been rough. Rough on a few different levels. Monday and Tuesday i was extremely stressed at work - dealing with the people, the issues that have my hands tied. Wednesday, thankfully, we got 15 inches of snow so i stayed home and hibernated. =) Yesterday was not much better - by 7:30am i'd kicked two people out of my office.

Darrin could tell that something was wrong, we talked about it on Wednesday when we were both home. i tried to explain that the only time i felt "normal" (whatever that is, right?) was when i was home - and that really it was outside sources that were stressing me out.

It was a rough situation because i haven't have an episode like this in awhile...it's disconcerting in many ways. Also...when things like this come up, the normal questions arise - is my new drug not working, etc. i will have to watch myself carefully.

There are a lot of thoughts swirling around inside...my lack of dedication to a healthier lifestyle, my submission...buuuuuut i think i want to nap. Yay.