Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Foods eaten: 1 banana, 1 pear, 2 "mini" pickles, 2 oz chicken, 1/2 cup green beans during work. For dinner, i had 1 tilapia filet. 10 olives and 2 "mini" pickles, plus 8 oz of juice

Total caloric intake: 504

Exercise: 30 minute on stationary bike, general office busyness, walked 1/2 mile

Calories burned: 1388

Current weight: 274


Written during work:

i woke up in the middle of the night last night and was really confused...i thought i'd overslept but it was only 12:30 in the morning. Very odd.

i did the stationary bike for 30 minutes this morning. It's the longest session i've done on the bike, but i felt pretty good when i was finished. i did a few stretches afterwards to keep my legs from hurting, so i feel good today so far.

i talked to lyric on the phone last night, and we kissed and made up. =) she said that it seems better between us when we communicate a lot, and i agreed with her. We kind of separated for a little bit, due to circumstances and such. (Read: frog = stupid)

my pre-made lunch worked out well, though i'm not really eating as often as i think i need to be.
Here's a run-down of my "plan":
  • At least 30 minutes a day of exercise
  • Eat only fruit, vegetables, and lean meats
  • Drink water like it's going out of style, and some fruit juice (limited)
  • No eating or drinking juice after 7:30pm, 8:00pm at the latest.
  • Eat many small meals during the day to boost metabolism

Seems like a lot, doesn't it? It's funny, because i look at all that stuff, and i can totally see the me of...geez, even a week ago...saying "Weeeeeeeelllll...i dunno..." But now, it's like...no big deal. The food especially, which is suprising, because i thought i'd have the hardest time with that. i am dreaming of what to have for any cheat days i may be rewarded with - so far i'm drooling over pancakes and warm, crusty bread with butter. And the bottle of margarita mix still chilling in my refrigerator.

Mmmmm.....Paaaaaaancaaaaaakeeessss...< /end Homer Simpson voice >

The most difficult thing is getting up in the morning for the exercise. Of course, waking up at 4:00am to do anything is hard, but when you don't get home until 6:00pm, it makes for long days. Especially if i don't get enough sleep, which is hard during the week. Usually i'm functioning on about 5 hours, and then i pass out on the weekends. i do so love sleeping. Actually, i don't love the sleeping part because obviously, i'm unconscious...but i love laying in my bed, having nothing to do, in soft fuzzy sheets and Sleepinfrog tucked beside me. Oh yes.

It's ten minutes to 4, and i'm having a severe case of "i don't wanna do anything else"-itis. i feel lazy, which feels...weird after yesterday. i still have an hour and a half left, which blows. A-lot.

Written after work:

Well. i had my first cravings for real food today. Since last Thursday night, i've barely recognized food as a necessity, but today was different (obviously). i got a little scared, but i wasn't sure i could hold up under temptation, but i did well, and am feeling pretty good so far.

AND i've lost 9 pounds. *boggles*

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