Wednesday, April 8, 2009

So far, I've gotten up all three days to bike in the morning. Yay me!

Oddly enough...I've been inspired to start running as well.

No, wait. Don't get excited and supportive yet, until I explain my reasoning.

See, a friend a work is training to run a marathon that is actually this weekend. She's been talking about it a lot, and a group of us went out for lunch on Tuesday and we were all asking questions. She mentioned that one day she ran 21 miles (OMGWTF?!), and that the one time that she ran 16 miles on a treadmill it told her that she burned something like 2800 calories.

The frog's ears (I know they don't have any, go with it) perked up. 2800 calories? Well, shit. I could eat whatever the fuck I wanted, whenever the fuck I wanted. I just gotta run 16 miles.


Moving on.

It's been KA-razay busy at work lately...I got moved over to a new payroll system that truthfully is only like, half done and so I had to create a whole crapload of reports that I needed for billing and such. Much crapness. Though, I rediscovered my love for pivot tables. I heart me some pivot tables. So, what with creating all this stuff, working through bugs, and having to adjust my routine (which if you know me at all is CATASTROPHIC), I've been pretty tired by the time I get home.

I'm also fairly certain I have more gallstones.


I came out to my mom on Saturday about my "lifestyle choice" - meaning, I told her about my wife. I even told her about the committment ceremony we had. She took it well...I mean, as well as I could have expected. She wasn't all fangirl about it...but she wasn't horrified either. We were having a big discussion in the car about how I think she is/was an awesome parent (she's going through some stuff that's making her a little uncertain), and it just sorta....came out. heh. I always thought that if I ever did tell her, that she'd still love me and all of that...and she does, she said so...said she just wants me to be happy and all of that. But I tell you what, doing that left me pretty much brainless until Monday. I came home on Saturday and Moose pretty much told me that I had the same look in my eyes that I used to get after a particularly heavy beating - i.e. I was "somewhere else." It completely drained me...even though it wasn't a negative experience in the slightest. I still worry about what she thinks of it all...but I probably will for awhile no matter what is said, because I'm lame like that.

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